No man can ignore
the blowing in of autumn -
strong winds bring strong change...
I miss this sight; the scads of scapes topped with scads of buds reaching for the summer sky. Now I have scads of dead scapes leaning on each other for support. The major fall clean-up efforts will start next week, after I return from speaking at the Ontario Daylily Society Fall Meeting in Toronto. A few friends from the Garden Club of Dearborn came by last night to buy daylilies they had seen blooming here this was fun to share some of my favorites with them. I made sure they left with Charles Douglas' prolific H. 'Pick of the Litter' and Larry Grace's classic H. 'Destined to See.' Those need to be in everyone's starter daylily collection and they were thrilled. It is awesome to be able to fill someone else's trunk with plants from my own garden, as so many gardeners have done for me over the years.
Feels awesome to pay the gardening universe back.
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Hi Nikki
Yes, I miss that too. Now the few that bloom, Autumn Minaret, Birdwing Butterfly and some more look very pale and miserable. Time to go indoors and enjoy the photos from summer ;)
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