Available Presentations | Daylily Speaker Info

If you are a garden center, plan a workshop for your customers at your location!  If you are a social or civic group, these presentations are very interesting for a monthly program.  I have provided fun evenings for the Rotary, Lions, Master Gardeners, Junior Leagues, Church Women's (and Men's) groups, and many other general garden clubs and hobbyist groups.  

I also offer tours and workshops in my garden during bloom season!  Bring your garden club to me for a fun field trip.

Choose from several digital presentation topics, including these featured presentations for 2019:

"Daylilies 101 and Beyond" 
**New for '19**
Of course you know daylilies.  You might already have some feelings about them in a perennial landscape.  This presentation explores the intricacies of daylilies through 125 stunning, digital photos of the best of the best.  Enjoy back-and-forth conversation with me as we learn more about this "perfect perennial!" - - 60 minutes with live Q & A as time allows.

"The Collective Experience" 
**New for '18**
Once you dip your toe into the vast daylily ocean, you find there are as many facets to this hobby of “Doing Daylilies” as there are regions in the AHS. A gardener can be inspired by collecting, science, photography, culture, hybridizing, propagating, marketing, writing, traveling, serving, and sharing the collective experience of daylilies. Connecting with others who share a common interest is vital to our growth as gardeners. Through photography and stories, this presentation explores many facets of daylilydom and invites you to join the AHS for a new collective experience in 2016. - 60 minutes with live Q & A as time allows.

"Digging The Internet" 
**New for '16**
An interesting, internet road trip looking for daylilies!  This journey will make stops at Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, the AHS website, and the Members Portal.  We will visit other daylily related websites, blogs and auctions and answer some questions about the great benefits for all kinds of sellers, collectors, photographers, historians and enthusiasts.  Audience members will be asked to submit questions related to daylilies and technology before the presentation and Nikki will select several to answer live.  This is your chance to ask the question you have been too scared to ask before about technology and daylilies.  The trip is full of fun pictures of a lot of people, too.  Even folks who are already tech savvy will hopefully enjoy the ride.  - 60 minutes with live Q & A as time allows.

“Garden Trends: Hybrid daylilies are the new black”
Hybrid daylilies enhance any landscape and add a diverse dimension to the modern perennial garden.  Get inspired with beautiful landscaping examples, dig into the latest hybrid daylily trends, and discover your favorite dark-colored daylilies! – 60 minutes

"Seeing Double: Through My Lens"
Enjoy a photo journey of beautiful daylilies registered as "double."  Over the years my appreciation for this form has grown and maybe through this presentation yours will, too.  - 60 minutes

“It’s not your grandmother’s daylily”
Think daylilies only come in orange or yellow? Explore vibrant bursts of daylily color in this visual tour that features some of Nikki’s award-winning photographs of daylilies in landscape and exhibition.  - 90 minutes

“10,000 miles and counting: Daylily travels across the Unites States”
Nikki loves attending and presenting at conferences and garden club meetings across the country. Grab a seat and ride along with her to five AHS national conventions and dozens of private gardens. – 90 minutes

“Why you should be blogging”
Nikki started www.agirlandhergarden.com because she wanted to tell the story of her garden.  She believes every garden has a tale to tell. In this engaging and informative discussion, she uses her experience launching her and other’s blogs to help gardeners learn the what, why and how of garden blogging. Bring your laptop and start setting up your blog!  - 2 hours

Other available presentations:
  • Garden Judges Demystified – covers just what garden judges do and how hybridizers can get in on the fun of the AHS Awards System for cultivars
  • Using the AHS Members Portal to the MAX! – covers some lesser known, but important features of the AHS Members Portal
  • Elements of World Class Exhibition Shows – covers the adventure of accredited (and non-accredited) daylily shows and why they are important to the future of daylilies
  • Death by PowerPoint – covers some deadly sins of using PowerPoint and how to avoid putting your audience to sleep with this powerful tool
  • Exhibitions for the Enthusiast – covers daylily shows from the perspective of the audience.  100+ images of shows around the country

Custom presentations can be developed to meet your needs! 

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