After about 10 years of studying daylilies and daylily people, I have come to the conclusion that there are some very interesting common threads that connect the people who are passionate about this flower. If I took a poll, I think the most common profession would be educator, most would have collected something else (roses, birds, horses, dogs) before getting into daylilies, many resiliently share challenges such as cancer and loss, and nearly all of them are generous beyond mention with their time and talents. Most of them credit God for their daylily successes and most all are pleasantly humble and wildly interesting to talk with (note I said "most"...LOL)
This past weekend I was in Atlanta for the 3rd Annual Region 5 Fall Fling, and it was a great learning experience. There were so many good speakers...Bill Waldrop did not disappoint (you must book him to come speak to your club...he is fabulous!) and Bruce Kovach shared his "daylily dreams" from his new location in Florida. His introduction H. 'Thanks For Last Night' was the talk of the meeting! So many good speakers...
Bill Maryott spoke to us about his massive commercial operation in California. Although I already knew him from his humor on a bus tour through Georgia a few years ago and through his wonderfully done website (which always has amazing sales), his presentation took us through all that is involved with running a successful business. He has had software programs written for him to track his pedigrees, he has inserted himself into his local post office to improve their procedures for handling his large loads of orders, and he has a great deal worked out with his wife to make time for lunch for her each day.
Nicole DeVito was there, too, and we saw her efforts at moving a huge garden and starting over. Shown to the right is her H. 'Force to Be Reckoned With' which grows in my cold climate just wonderfully. I could relate to her adventures, since we have just relocated, too, but not on a scale as large as hers. Nicole's daylilies are like sweet-sugary candy to my eyes. Click here to see her world-class website. I think its one of the best in the business. She has saturated colors, and in the photos she showed us, you can almost see the substance in most of them - thick to the touch. You could hear the excitement in her voice, and see the emotion behind her daylily creations. I'm now growing 9 of her Florida-born intros in Illinois and definitely recommend you check one or two out in your own yard.
Julie Covington, the president-elect for the AHS was in the house, teaching us to be better photographers. She is a well-respected and oft-published photographer, but she has no formal training in wielding a camera, which makes her teachings palatable and practical. Her presentation was full of examples of bad photographs, and boy did the point hit home with us. I think we spent the rest of the weekend critiquing every photo that was shown on the big screen with the new criteria we learned! She is priceless as a person and is going to be a great president for the AHS.
Tim Herrington presented on Friday night with an inspirational message about the "Wonderful World of Daylilies." His presentation was filled with quotes from daylily lovers and inspired us to remember the reason we got into this hobby in the first place. He had little raffles throughout his presentation, which lightened the mood and kept some sleepy folks awake. What fun!
So, yes, daylily people not only share a love of the same flower, but they share many "other" life qualities that inspire this week's Daylily Haiku Thursday...
fierce loyalty, strength.
Humorous, generous souls
with great green vision!
Picture at the top of this post is Joiner's H. 'Creative Legacy'

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