Daylily Haiku Thursday | Day Six of Ten: My Favorite Blooms of 2010

try to find the way
to stop summers spinning clock
celebrate the day


H. 'Northern Fancy' is a pick for my favorites list this year.  It is one of the "edgiest" daylilies in my collection.  Here are three photos of it, and I have at least 20 more to show off how photogenic it was.  I saw it in Florida in the hybridizers garden two years ago and immediately ordered it when I got home.  It does great here in Michigan and shows off that edge time and again.

I love a good self.  H. 'Butterscotch and Ginger' from Klehm is most likely the most perfect self I grow.  The term self refers to the coloration of the flower, and that it is basically all one color.  Most daylilies have a complementary throat, or a contrasting eye, or a coordinating edge and eye, but selfs are absent of these color delineations.  It's all one, smooth canvas of a single color.  In this case it is a luscious combination of butterscotch and ginger (good thing, because that's its name...)

I had to show you three photos of each.  You're lucky I didn't show 20 of each.  I love these two daylilies.  I hope you do, too.

So far, I have listed the following hemerocallis cultivars for my 2010 favorites:

'Cinderella's Dark Side'
'Tempest in a Tutu'
'Ron Valente'
a Bob Faulkner seedling I call the "rainbow firefly"
'Leonard Sauter,'
'Raspberry Goosebumps'
'Eyes Right Jones'
'Lee's Loss'
'Woman at the Well'
'Worthy One'
'Northern Fancy'
'Butterscotch and Ginger'



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