Daylily Haiku Thursday | 86 pounds of daylilies!

knows no bounds (in daylilies)
i'll pay it forward.

The Southern Michigan Daylily Society is hosting the 2011 Region 2 Summer Meeting and Garden Tours.  I am chairing the planning committee and let me tell is a lesson in delegation and teamwork.  Each week someone does something that makes me smile and remember that I'm not the only one obsessing about things continuously.

Two weeks ago, the Region 2 newsletter editor Narda Jones sent me an offer I couldn't refuse.  Her club, SWIDS, had a plant sale which left them with some extra plants.  She sent an email asking if we could use them for the 2011 meeting.  YES!  I think she could hear me screaming YES from three states away.

Four days later, three large boxes containing 86 pounds of daylilies arrived on my doorstep. Yes, folks, that's eighty-six.  8. 6.  86.

Kathy Rinke quickly arranged to have the three boxes picked up at my house and carted to her place near the center of the state for safe planting until next year.  She is chairing the 2011 plant sale and this makes her job so much easier.  How often do 500 fans of daylilies just fall on your doorstep when you need them?  And even more, how often do you find a volunteer like Kathy who steps up and says she will plant them until next summer?  In the daylily community, it happens all the time.  Which is why most of us give so much, because we know it will come back to us just when we need it.

Amazing contribution to the region by the Indiana group.  The bargain table plant sale at the regional meeting in 2011 will now be UNREAL thanks to their generosity and forward thinking.

WAY.  TO.  GO.




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