“I admit it's tempting to wish for the perfect boss, the perfect parent, or the perfect outfit. But maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been dealt, and accessorize what we've got.”
-Carrie Bradshaw

Oh, the last two weeks have felt like puberty.  You now, that time of immense change in sense and sensitivity?  Not because I am blessed with a 5'5", 150 lb 11-year old son who wears a size 11 men's shoe and eats an alpacas share of food every day, but because events in near every aspect of my life have some major static.  Mercury must be in retrograde.  The weather, the travel, some drama, some death, more life, some hate mail (gotta love keyboard courage) all sprinkled among some thank you notes and gestures of love.  Again, gardening is the cheapest therapy you will ever find. (that's a photo of a seedling in the haiku, HAT'S OFF TO SUE above left and a shot of my garden in June, below right.)

My garden is a place I go when I need to find myself, when I get lost in the day-to-day of parenting and careering.  Its where I go to completely surrender control and be consumed with what IS, instead of what it should be.  Luckily Saturday and Sunday the temps were in the 70's and we were able to breath some fresh air and soak up some Vitamin D.  Even planted some daylilies that were still in pots from last fall.  #betterlatethannever  I figure if they were already growing out in the pots of limited dirt and moisture, they would do better if I plopped them into the ground to get a head start on spring.  Six pots were planted in all, and I really got excited about them!  

Herrington's BLACKBERRY BOOGIE and Steve William's DISCOVER THE STARS were two I was really happy to see growing green after a winter stuck in a pot under the deck.  I also planted BRIANA JOY and SAN JUAN NIGHTS.  

Here is a side view of SAN JUAN NIGHTS as I saw it in Florida.  I bought it on the spot.  Its so big and it didn't melt or discolor in the rain - two big pluses.

Speaking of Florida, here is the link to my calendar of events.  You can see where I'll be, and you rest assured it's the place I refer to when I wonder where I am supposed to be.

As a primer for next weeks post, please check out the following resource for how to understand and count branching in daylilies. Click here for the materials.  
And please read this blog post from my archives, too.

Next week we will talk about BRANCHING!

Til then-



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