Daylily Haiku Thursday | Turn the camera on its side!

<posted 8/1/13> Life is a strange tapestry of perception.  Some perception is better lying down, while others are more true standing up.  The same goes for photographs of the daylily!  Today's haiku photo (above) features Bill Waldrop's H. 'Morticia's Mascara.'

The winter is the perfect time for over analyzing your garden photos from years past.  Organize, edit, delete.  Organize,  edit, delete.  That's the cycle I spend a few minutes each day doing.  

I noticed the majority of my daylily photos were taken using "portrait" view and not "landscape" view.   

In this photo of Whatley's H. 'Fireburst', the photo on the left is taken "landscape" while the one on the right is "portrait."  

"Portrait" means the photo is taller than it is wide, while "landscape" means the photo is wider than it is tall.   So this summer I made an effort to take more "landscape" shots of the blooms as well as keep up my favorite "portrait" views.  In many cases if I saw a good sight, I took two shots - one short and one tall.

These following pairs of photos were taken on the same day - same blooms - different camera orientation.  I took the landscape shot, then immediately repositioned for the portraits that I am much more adept at taking...

H. 'Liz Payne'  (Bouman, 2011)
height 23in (58cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, 16 buds, 3 branches

H. 'Special Candy' (Stamile, 2006)
height 32in (81cm), bloom 4.25in (10.8cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 35 buds, 6 branches

H. 'Lee's Loss' (Gates-Hanson-R., 1997)
height 24in (61cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid

As I downloaded the pics each day, I noticed that the mood of the photo changed with the orientation of the camera.  I can report that I was harder to find the inspiration to do anything crazy or artistic or skew the landscape view.  I couldn't find a unique way other than "macro with the throat on the extreme left or right" like this seedling at Bob Faulkner's. 

This landscape shot of H. 'Topguns Helen Jones' was artistic, I thought.

TO DO: take a look at your own photos and see what your eye prefers.  Now force yourself to take two shots the next time you have your camera.

a seedling from H. 'Martha In Chains' - PORTRAIT on the left, LANDSCAPE on the right.

Which orientation do you prefer?  

Do you notice a difference in the "mood" of the photos?


Brian Howarth said...

Interesting, I never gave it much though. I just went and looked at a folder of favorite flower photos and I can see that at least 80% of the photos are in portrait format. The main exception are the close-ups in landscape that I like to use as my computers desktop background.

Nikki Schmith said...

Good to hear from you, Brian! Im still listening to that CD... LOVE!


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