<posted June 6, 2013> I am trying to contain my excitement. I am really trying to not take note of each new scape I see in the garden. BUT IT IS NO USE!
I have waited a year for this single gardening month and I cannot believe it's here. For me here in west/central Illinois, peak bloom seems explode in June. I have spent each day since last June having an internal conversation about "Next year..."
"Next season I will be sure to get the Milorganite down earlier."
"Next year I'm planting that whole bed with zinnias."
"Next spring I've got to get those sages in peony cages earlier."
No daylilies are blooming yet, but they are coming. I expect peak bloom on near 400 cultivars to happen the last week of this month.
I feel good about the 2013 bloom season. Many tasks and projects that have been on the dream list since we moved in have been completed. The pergola is finally up and the fire pit is down.
All the water features are reinstalled and are in perfect working order. The water iris are even blooming in the front pond!
The hummingbirds have returned; they seem to especially love sitting on a piece of art that Dan Bachman made for me! See? They only sit on this spoke. They'll fight over who gets it before they will sit on another. Funny things.
The largest bed (seen below) only lost three daylilies and one "hardy" hibiscus. I've given up on H. 'Pink Lacquer', H. 'Nicole's Plum Crazy' and H. 'Mapping Michigan.' These never came up past an inch this year and their corpses are taking up some valuable real estate - out they go!
A robin decided that a great place for a home would be on top of the birdhouse that Duane Nickel made. I planted the roof of it with sedum/succulents and set it on a potting bench this spring. This nest was built and laid before I even saw it. I thought they would go IN the house, not build on TOP of it. It has been very interesting to have a bird's eye view of these eggs. They have hatched now, and we enjoy watching them learn how to live from their fierce guardians.
Life is beautifully strange.
And fast.
Hold on tight...next stop? Summer!
P.S. I'll be in Atlanta this Saturday, June 8, at The Galleria judging their daylily show. From the Cobb County Daylily Society website, "More than 500 blooms of several hundred different cultivars will be on display for morning judging and afternoon viewing by the public. At the same time, bareroot daylilies will be on sale at bargain prices, a great way to add these hardy plants to a garden. A design competition using daylilies is always a must-see, also. Experts from both clubs will be on hand to share what they know and love. The show and sale is free and open to the public from 12:30 to 4:00 PM." Get more details here. Do come by and say hello!

I live in Delaware and I have to do something with the front of our home this spring but I am totally at a lost when it comes to flowers and plants. I will be here daily and often.
Hello, Yolanda! Thanks for being a part of the #SITS tribe. Im looking forward to getting to see your blog, too!
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